Nutrient Density Alliance in the Media


  • Investing in Regenerative Agriculture & Food Podcast

    Tina Owens - Only 1% of nutrition data is tracked on food labels and that means lots of opportunities for companies

  • Retail and Social: Exploring The Connection Podcast

    Mary Purdy from the Nutrient Density Alliance

  • Shoshin Works & NASA's Ecosystemic Futures Podcast

    Tina Owens - From Soil to Sustenance: Regenerative Agriculture's Ecosystem Impact

  • Investing in Regenerative Agriculture & Food Podcast

    Mary Purdy - Why a supplement company launched a flour product


Nutrient Density Alliance White Paper: “Engaging Consumers on Regenerative Agriculture

Companies with regenerative agriculture projects are not engaging consumers on the nutritional benefits of these practices. Our white paper highlights the business case and consumer interest, outlining the role of marketing, quality, and legal departments in on-pack messaging.

Article: “Nutrient Density Alliance urges regenerative brands to highlight benefits”

The Nutrient Density Alliance is encouraging regenerative brands to highlight the nutritional benefits of their products. We aim to help brands and farmers measure and promote the nutrient density of their ingredients, enhancing consumer awareness and appreciation of the benefits of regenerative agriculture.

White Paper: “How Practitioners Can Influence Planetary Health

This new white paper, How Practitioners Can Influence Planetary Health, discusses the impacts of our current industrial food system and offers solutions for healthcare professionals to champion a regenerative food future.


Culinary Institute of America

Menus of Change Panel with Mary Purdy

Nourishing Health: Exploring the Interplay of Food, Biodiversity, and the Gut Microbiome for Planetary and Human Wellness

Orgain Healthcare

The Soil, Biodiversity and Gut Microbiome Nexus: A Road Map for Practitioners

Bloomberg Green Festival 2024

Town Hall: Solving Your Climate Vice Panel with Mary Purdy